Online courses

Prochains cours Zoom en français – Libérez votre Trait chaque Samedi à 10h30

Pause été. Contactez-moi pour vous inscrire.

Next Online Classes in English , 4 Sessions June 2nd – June 23rd 2022, 7 pm. Paris time.

Contact me for inscriptions. following class in September 2022 for 8 weeks


Life drawing is more than an exercise; it is, when done diligently, a recording of life and hence movement, breath, beauty and more. In the series of courses I have created,  I want to help you develop a syntax that sees the structures of forms beyond their appearance and that can convey emotion. These courses are a mix of masterclass and reviewing the basics. Why? If in singing, you master the 'bello canto' techniques, but sing a false note during the aria, the harmony is broken!

Drawing is a lesson of humility; it requires a state of presence, being vigilant that formulae and solutions do not replace the actual experience. Elegance of line will come with harmony and the search for truth. Ruthlessness and risk is required equally to abandon and change that which does not work. (You only have to wipe out a few lines with a rag, to start anew).

Drawing is like a life philosophy and a game of opposites:  slowness and rapidity, parts and the whole, negative space and the subject...

It is a tool of comparison and understanding, of empowerment and self-expression. You want to access your unconscious and your heart for your line to have meaning. 

This is a classic course with my insights of drawing from 30 years and teaching for 16. Visual and expressive meaning comes from the intention and the attention you apply to your line, at the same time allowing immediacy.

We will be working from the inside and looking at how the different shapes of the body and of the face articulate, which may make less sense at first, but leads you to a more abstract, objective and shape-based vision.